All my hard work will go to waste

Everyone & their Uncle will miss out on these smashing

Since Tuesday Abacus has confirmed that a Silent Auction, Wine Down, event, will be happening either August 19th, or 26th, depending on; weather and level of interest in dates from perspective attendees/ contributors. So far the auction list is turning out grand. I have some great leads, and also am getting some awesome feedback from an extremely prestigious local woman's network that the event will be aimed towards.

Stay tuned for more details.
This weekend is a big weekend, also, for Redemption Climb.
Tonight Nectar is hosting the usual Friday night brigade featuring MINX Boy's radical house vibes, yours truly with a $1 ticket WIN $50 RAFFLE, and not to mention sushi!!!! Mmmm... Mmmm.. yummm.
Tomorrow is the ever so legendary MINX BOAT CRUISE checking out from SafeHaven by 3:30-4pm. Bang BANG, plus another Raffle same gist.
My personal computer has taken a crap on life, well... the fracture was self inflicted by me... but... in any extent it's still crapping.
Therefore, blogs will as usual be far and few to come by. However this time not as a result of procrastination, proclamation, or exageration.
Nice image of you an Elvis. EXCELLENT shot of the turntable.