This past weekend wrapped up Redemption Climb's efforts here in Cayman at Billy Bones! Special thanks goes out to everyone who attended, Billy Bones, MINX, and all who participated in the raffle. Prizes were sponsored by Passions Lingerie, Cayman Distributors, and yours truly contributed some TNT Fireworks!! (just to make things interesting) All in all about $360 was raised.
Including this weekends events Redemption Climb counts nearly ten events hosted over the summer! As far as the last Observer issue, with the Charity Bill 2010, I am really hoping Redemption Climb will be able to continue on as a summer fund raising tradition. Gathering
more people who are interested in creating charity ideas, events, and then
travelling spreading the good word about Cayman.
Culture is a gift, here in Cayman the population is really diverse. It would only make sense to have a global travelling organization that contributes to worldly causes that are relevant both local, and everywhere else to- everyone else that currently resides here. Redemption Climb would only also be seasonal to not take away from regular business, but to bring business/spirits up while in slow season.
Genuine hope will be seen from within, someone will recognize the ultimate potential here!
This Vid was one of the coolest points to reference too on my way to Kenya & Tanzania, it was sure a common point of interest ... name: _________ UNITY