Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Energy Release

Body movement, although, majority random feels so natural. Suppose things that are random don't feel natural all the time, mostly inorganic, we shy away from randomness as humans. Or is it the random naturalness that makes us organic humans? The humans that no longer act in random kindness, movement, or otherwise are indeed the inorganic ones. (BAH ha ha)
Ok, side note apart from being philosophically swayed. Tomorrow is the September mark counting 21 days until Africa!!! I will be getting all my shots accept Thyphoid, on September 9th, I officially made a dentist appointment on the 16th, and my mom's planned soirée to celebrate my return is in full motion.

Jambo Bwana

This past weekend wrapped up Redemption Climb's efforts here in Cayman at Billy Bones! Special thanks goes out to everyone who attended, Billy Bones, MINX, and all who participated in the raffle. Prizes were sponsored by Passions Lingerie, Cayman Distributors, and yours truly contributed some TNT Fireworks!! (just to make things interesting) All in all about $360 was raised.

Including this weekends events Redemption Climb counts nearly ten events hosted over the summer! As far as the last Observer issue, with the Charity Bill 2010, I am really hoping Redemption Climb will be able to continue on as a summer fund raising tradition. Gathering
more people who are interested in creating charity ideas, events, and then
travelling spreading the good word about Cayman.

Culture is a gift, here in Cayman the population is really diverse. It would only make sense to have a global travelling organization that contributes to worldly causes that are relevant both local, and everywhere else to- everyone else that currently resides here. Redemption Climb would only also be seasonal to not take away from regular business, but to bring business/spirits up while in slow season.

Genuine hope will be seen from within, someone will recognize the ultimate potential here!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Protein is pushing it's way through my diet like a freight train. A freight train loaded with BBQ chicken, ribs, jerky, steak, burgers, fish, milk, nuts, and the list goes on. Meat has never been my first choice to eat, however, I feel stronger when I do. Just as strong as a bowl full of cherries! Cherries are a strong food, pff, HA ... Not without Meat!!!

My final times for the Stroke & Stride were pretty good accept for the last one I was disappointed. I must have just had cherries... kidding...
The first one I did in about 30min, the
second one only 32min, but the third one the night before I hardly got any sleep due to my t
wisted knee and a burglar scare. Yes, a burglar. Someone tried to break in to steel my bicycle. This makes the bike now three times attempted theft, all three times I recovered in vicarious ways. The police were there, it was nerve racking.

Anyway, my third time suffered at 39min with my goal being 35min I got teary at the finish. It's been unreal training on my own for this. Especially after the horse incident, I feel so fortunate to
still be continuing on.


The lines from Lion King, "I laugh in the face of danger!"

Making me question do I? No, I take danger very seriously. I take danger so seriously that a fellow army ranger will be accompanying this adventure, along with my African sister Ann, otherwise I never would have moved forward this way. Taking risks left, front, and center just to make one big trip happen!
I have nothing to fear than fear itself. If I full proof every angle in what could go wrong, if it does go wrong, then I will do this. Life isn't fair. Cash flow is tight, travelling with credit cards seems like the safest, most economical way to go.

I will do this. I can do this. This is what will happen.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Get it done. Become one singin' like Timone & Pumba....

Sing Hakuna Matata as much as possible!

Learn a few key words that are important.


Mandatory lists are piling up in my brain. In between there are smiles filled with happy tears. Anticipation lurks behind every thought. It's rather feeding my adrenaline; more than anything else, to be honest, it's making me tic. Tic, sayin peace to the globe in between beats, Toc, kisses blowing, orbing- out of this world.

List #1

*Get shots
-Yellow Fever (do not
want to be quarantined upon return or arrival!)
-Typhoid (whatever that's for?)
-Malaria (inquire about
-Action Pack Vaccine.... (inquire within)
*Make list for packing
-Cross Check with Nic & Ann
-Cross things off
*Start collecting US Cash

List #2

* Make dentist appointment upon Wisconsin Arrival
* Pick up items for Auction
* Have dinner on Wednesday
* Stroke & Stride under 35min.
* Figure out transport for auction items
* Watch Cayman Daybreak 27 Thursday Morning!
* Pick up Surprise Raffle For Saturday & Sunday!!

List #3

* Schedule appointments for room rental next week Monday
* Contact landlord (gulp)
* Write
* Take Kait's training wheels off!!!
* Talk Nati back into taking her's off!!!!
* Cruise the driveway with DeclanMan
* Schedule event with Mom
* Skype with Mom!
* Flood Flyer for Fire Fly Discathon @ Billy Bones
* Stop and smell my birthday flowers :)

Fewf... Geesh... Where to begin... CHARRRRGE!!!!

The jellyfish sad to say got me again this weekend, as beautiful as they are you would think they would feel gentle. Really, they are full of "p & v"... and I don't mean the good, funny, ha ha, kinda either! We're talkin' the ouch, get me the heck outta here, as fast as you can swim- in these lolly gaggin flippers neow!! The culprit >>>

Golden Ticket

Holy Torpedo's!!!! I have a ticket to Kenya!

Please fascine your seat belts for what you are about to read is a much desired reiteration about whats been going on in my life lately!!

Where to begin...

Well I suppose where I left off. The STROKE & STRIDE (*dun, dun, dun*) this Wednesday is now going to be an 800m swim + 2mi... I got it though.

Last week I had a reflexology appointment. It went very well. Carol is a life saver. Now, I am confident in keeping up my physical endurance / improvement up to par- for the big climb, boy'o'boy is it gonna whoop my you know what.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Stroke & Stride

Today is a big day for physical activity! As will the next two weeks to follow. I will be swimming 400m today with a 2mi run, next week a 600m 2mi, and following an 800m with 2mi run. I'm particularly excited to check up on my times, especially since I improved so much from the last two 1mi Flowers Sea Swims.

Huge thank you goes out to the MINX Boys pictured below. This past weekend they hosted two events that were a success. Redemption Climb raised close to $200!!! $179 to be exact, the previous SPIN boat party raised $28, total that puts Redemption Climb efforts at $1,443.40! Every event that has been hosted on behalf of this very young organization is truly appreciated.
When good people unite for any cause the positive energy that resonates is amazing. With out the love and support from friends and family none of this would be emotionally, physically, or mentally possible to achieve!

The next event that is for sure on the Calendar will be held at Abacus. August 26th, 2010 there will be a Silent Auction Ladies Wine Down where 80% proceeds go to Cayman Cancer Society, and 20% goes to Mt. Kilimanjaro.

As for the items that will be listed at the auction there is a wide variety so far. Each item essentially will be packaged with something that has a relative theme. For example there will be Rock Star, Romance, Home Decor, Kitchen, Fashionista, Sport Recreation, and many other categories with choices to bid on. All are welcome to attend!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Wild Fire

This needs to begin spreading like Wild Fire or....

All my hard work will go to waste

Everyone & their Uncle will miss out on these smashing events I'm planning

Since Tuesday Abacus has confirmed that a Silent Auction, Wine Down, event, will be happening either August 19th, or 26th, depending on; weather and level of interest in dates from perspective attendees/ contributors. So far the auction list is turning out grand. I have some great leads, and also am getting some awesome feedback from an extremely prestigious local woman's network that the event will be aimed towards.

Stay tuned for more details.

This weekend is a big weekend, also, for Redemption Climb.

Tonight Nectar is hosting the usual Friday night brigade featuring MINX Boy's radical house vibes, yours truly with a $1 ticket WIN $50 RAFFLE, and not to mention sushi!!!! Mmmm... Mmmm.. yummm.

Tomorrow is the ever so legendary MINX BOAT CRUISE checking out from SafeHaven by 3:30-4pm. Bang BANG, plus another Raffle same gist.

My personal computer has taken a crap on life, well... the fracture was self inflicted by me... but... in any extent it's still crapping.

Therefore, blogs will as usual be far and few to come by. However this time not as a result of procrastination, proclamation, or exageration.
POW, thank you Tara & Doug McPherson for being so generous with me. I truly appreciate you, as the strong family you are allowing me to help you raise lights up my day regularly.