Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Volcano Passage

Finally arriving after getting lost just passed the Great Rift Valley, Kaboom!

One word to say to a volcano when you meet.

Large words can describe the exact appearance, but few can describe the f
eelings beyond jaw dropping.

It just so happened the day we decided to meet our first volcano a group numbering over 650 children was also climbing with us! We met blind students who, although, were only hiking to the side volcanic crator still flew by us on the trails. Blazing ahead filling the air with dust when I arrived, finally catching up with them, they asked, "what does it look like?" All I could respond was, "it looks like Mother Earth is smiling!"

"I see her teeth in the side cliff over there, and everything is very green. She may have just had a nice holsem meal of broccoli."
Longonot's peak you can see just near my forehead in this shot. The craters are so vast with
lucious greens, and just beyond it you can site Lake Nakuru. Beside lake Nakuru you see a white row. This white row are signs from a white rose farm. Kenya is the largest exporter in white roses in the world! While driving past this region to Lake Nakuru you can smell the
roses, very nice!!


Day 1:

September 22nd finally in Kenya. We went to the Safari Orphanage to meet baby hippos, ostriches, cheetah, rhino, albino zebras, water buffalo, wildebeest, caterpillar, and lions.

It was the utmost privilege to pet a cheetah, and ostrich!!

The energy around such creatures is truly electric.