Since putting Redemption Climb on stand by some things have changed. The one year anniversary from climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro hascome and passed. Slowly,but surely, a Bachelors in Entertainment Business is being attained, and I am subtly making plans to move

Seeing how my first journey to Mt. Kilimanjaro started off with a six month countdown, I am planning in the next six months to have a solid beginning to a post graduate plan with another countdown. I found out some very big news this past Thursday, and I'm not sure how I will proceed. It is always a big decision when deciding to take a new journey, and especially if you are planning to journey with someone new.
With the holidays coming I'm praying for some clarity to reveal itself to me. It is my only concern that with making travels that have such an impact on your life with a significant other- it can either make or break your relationship. When I moved to Grand Cayman, I moved alone. When I started at Full Sail University I was alone. Is it only understandable that I feel instinctually obligated to complete my mission in a career alone?

No one really plans on love. No one even hopes to be captivated by love all the time. But now, love has plans for me, and love is captivating all of my time. I feel the urge to scare it away (not just because it's Halloween), and I feel an inkling to run. Perhaps these feelings
are an act of selfishness desire that paints an imaginative picture of me having a successful career before a successful love life.
ReplyDeleteI find it quite interesting that you have had all of these major life experiences alone. Maybe it is time for a change. Now you have the opportunity to share your life with another individual. Who says that you can't have both? In the words of my niece's favorite actress/singer, it is the "Best of Both Worlds." ~Hannah Montana/Mylie Cyrus
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your blog because you seem so truly passionate about it.
I sort of understand your need to do this "journey" alone, but I think you should give the love you have encountered in your life a chance. Looking forward to reading more of your blogs.