Holding my own. Continuing on, only to recourse a better sense of action. Finding the inner social butterfly that exists within the monarchy located hinter das laben, whatever that means... Love... Blach, something smells bad. My computer is making a funny noise. Clicking. Stopped. Continue on, writing, the clicking continues.
Redemption climb 101, we have news on schedule now!!! Here is the list...
#1 Ultimate Frisbee Tournament- July 5th
#2 Abicus Wine Happy Hour - Undetermined Thursday
#3 Mezza Woman's Brunch/Mother Daughter - August 22nd OR September 12th
#4 Allure Monday Night Benefit Mash Up- Undetermined Date...
#5 Billy Bones Luau - August 21st
Here is the other list....
#1 Contact 2 location options
#2 Schedule dates, contact speakers, recontact Emma Hislop for response!
#3 Confirm with Alexander date, negotiate advertising, recontact Emma Hislop for response!!
#4 Get logo settled for registration forms, post flyer's, socialize, what Monday?
#5 Contact Kat next week, hope that pool will open before 4pm, settle date. Lifeguard anyone?
It has dawned on me that the guts this has taken to open up this blog are spilling out as I type. It is no lie that this journey for fundraising $10,000 would be viewed as difficult, but it actually is!!! Moving forward helping people live towards a life fulfilling future is the goal. Joining the gap between reaction, action, and distraction is the struggle.
Found out the Try-This-Triathlon results, I finished 2nd overall female, with a 1hr.25min. time!! My time in the 1 Mile Sea Swim last year was 40:10, this year 35:05! My goal was closer to 30min, but ... eh :) I'll settle for the 5min. improvement! My fitness level has increased, however it is still no match for a horse and concrete. Last night I'm sorry to say I was pummeled to the ground with Charm the horse... She slipped and fell coming to fast around the corner, which it was my fault I should not have been riding her bare back in the first place. My right eye is swollen half way shut, bloody, lips swollen like cherry tomatoes, bloody, face bruised purple grape shade, (so far) bloody, knees renegade style scraped up, also bloody.
I consider myself fortunate to have not broken anything, walked away, not a tear. We'll see how this heals though, maybe tears have yet to come... Charm is ok, she was just scraped up a little on the hip, and front leg. It will amaze me to see how fast she responds to the word WOAH next time I see her.
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