It occurs to me that not everyone understands why I have changed my last name. Think of it as a pen name. A sensible alter ego for my "work." Solo being used for a habitual writing purpose only, and with the very high potential in being my future published/social name. There is one other option which will remain undisclosed at this time.
The name Golightly
originates from the classic film Breakfast at Tiffany's. I most recently did a photo shoot with a dear friend of mine humbly attempting to reenact Audrey Hepburn's, character Holly Golightly, infatuation with diamonds. Not that I have an infatuation with diamonds. I do not. However, having one on with such great value was completely tantalizing. Teasing, poking my inner princess. Striking a chord to run out the door with the necklace still on! (ha ha) Also, and lastly the most important reason to the Golightly referendum is my middle name. Rae, given by my mother with the meaning as I being her "sunshine rae of light." You know! Like the song, "you are my sunshine- my only sunshine- you make me happy- when skies are gray..." That's what, so Golightly well... it just fits the whole "Sunshine Rae of light," just more profound and serious! The non-disclosed name mentioned above, which is the back up depending on publishers preference, is even more mischievous on the serious scale : O EEK!!
My dear friend Larry Peterson a FANTASTIC photographer!!
I was think

Reminder to self:
Get out of this late night blogging habit. It is day three, and I am whooped!
A heartfelt thanks for your kind words!!