Coming from a colorful yet ordinary place such as Wisconsin, I grew up thinking ordinary at times. For instance
the cure for cancer I one time, at the ripe age of nine, was fully convinced it was
Carmex. Something so simple, practical, yet not everybody uses it. Just think of the name
"Carmex," it really rings my ears, or pulls on my imagination
at least ... See where it takes yours.
Another prime example
entailing a way I've plotted towards
the cure is by listening to the actual band named "The Cure." Now isn't that practical?
ok, not so much, I understand where the
impracticalities come in ... nonsense wise. . . I get it. However, wouldn't you think that because there are these "things" (for lack of a better word, perhaps ideas?) That people would just immerse themselves in them instead of radiation, or perhaps together with radiation? Do they? People radiate in different ways, they use different things, listen to varieties of music after all... Don't they?
When I was encouraged to read the blog that was written by my mom's and my dear friend Chris she was fully positive, on the way to recovery... I still check it to see if there's an update. She is at peace now. Floating around in heaven, wrapped up deep in my thoughts for a cure involving
Carmex, The Cure, and dairy air.
I'll get to the dairy air idea in a minute.

Ok, so take my grandma for example. She was a smoker for her entire life. Never really missed a day, only when she was really feeling vivacious would she say she quit and then sneak them back in her life just to feel like herself again. At a very young age I would find, throw away, and break her cigarettes... So, help me I did. She would curse, and what have you. I would hand her
Carmex, and tell her how much I
preferred to breathe dairy air over her cigarette smoke. She laughed, content with my response and didn't smoke for the next five minutes.
When my grandmother was in the hospital she was not a cancer patient. We were aware that she had serious health issues when it came to certain things, I always speculated it was cancer and the doctors just didn't know it. Anyway, she had been admitted for a freak brain
aneurysm. I was fully convinced that it had something to do with the cigarettes, insisting she get a nicotine patch put on to help her recover, because she couldn't smoke, and turns out her condition did get better when they did give her one. I thought that if she could just wake up to smoke one cigarette she would essentially get better, cussing at me saying I shouldn't ever smoke either... Which that year I had made it my resolution to start which had been proven unsuccessful thankfully. (Another blog, another time)
Back to the dairy air comment, what if everyone has there own "form" of dairy air. What if some people just misplace their's? Then their body creates something such as cancer, instead of what it was using to combat what it creates to deminish in the first place, such as age. Freeze. Go back. If everyone has there own scent, whether it be dairy air, b.o, fart, whatever... the minute they go into a hospital for radiation treatment it's weakened.
Woah. I'm thinking really far out here, but
ok. Maybe it could be something. Smell. It's the only scense that is left uncovered. In my oppinion probably the deadliest. Carmex smells, kinda icky actually. Hmm.... I'm going to need to sleep on this still.

Those are my three ideas for the cure to cancer, whether they could actually be proven effective that is unominously elite. Some things just can't be explained easily. Ignore what I did say, what I didn't say, and if it bothers you just know that what I'm trying to say is cancer really bothers me. I know for a fact that there just are not the major health causes as professionals may say, cancer comes from more than just the common substance or exposure. It's something more, it's
horrifically challenging to try and wrap my mind around it. It haunts me, taunting me for an easy answer.
As for Wig Out updates, so far so good! Positive feedback from everyone invited so far, hoping for a good turn out!