Sunday, April 18, 2010
Organizing is top priority. I have been corresponding regularly with Emma Hislop from the Cayman Cancer Society, she has been very helpful. Since my last blog I have done a significant amount in completing my research reading, connecting with the right people to schedule events has been limited. My optimism besets me at times, writing as a writer regularly in a blog... ugh.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Socially Inclined
I will continue to work on accomplishing the following:
* Horse
* Run
* Blog
* Jump rope
* Kayak
* Art supplies
In chatting with key people this weekend, I am fully confident to keep forging ahead. I did not get to see the real Easter bunny exactly, however I did see rabbit on the menu at brunch, certainly tried it. I feel the meat was far too dry to rate, or even compare, to any other holiday mascot such as the beloved turkey on Thanks Giving! Ham will still always be the meat chosen for Easter, however did not have any this year. (odd) Aunt Michelle was bunny brave spreading Easter joy, wishing everyone a superb holiday!

Friday, I went diving with Ann. It was a great bonding adventure, we decided to go for a dive, however little did we know there were going to be jelly fish! I got stung on my right arm, back, left side, left knee, and right foot twice! Thankfully I am not allergic, but it sure did make for an interesting day. Beautiful dive after I got some skins on, but here's a picture before we went in the first time with our lion fish nets!!
Following the first encounter with the jellies, we bolted back to Eden Rock for a wet suit for me!! Thankfully the second dive attempt was successful, only two more stings, and not quite as many jellies were spotted!
Current today, (Wednesday) I trained for the 800m Lime Sea Swim this Saturday! Super excited!! Last year I did the CUC 800m, the Flowers one mile, and the CISA Tri with the 750m. Hope to get under 30min this weekend, we shall see. Feeling strong, will be going for a good run tomorrow to dispense the adrenaline I built up tonight- hopefully followed by some salsa! I've been doing "mega reading loads," laundering my brain. Submerged in Kenya, Tanzania, and the simplistic approach to the complexions for writer's who dare to write for children.
The next list follows tomorrow:
* 10k loop Run
* 800m Swim
* DMV- see Jason
* Contact Attic & Office
* Link up with Emma hopefully this weekend to get the ball rolling on events!
* Speak with Fiona again about travels, and contacting airlines for luggage sponsorships.
* Fed-Ex, check yellow pages for off island freight/airmail costs.
* Think about Redemption Climb 2010 t-shirts, talk to Luigi
* Candy idea/plan, talk to Doug
* Get supplies
* Kayak
Easter weekend campfire, dance on the beach a ton!!! (check!!!)
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Wrapped Up

Imagine this, wrap yourself in your own words, daily. Do things that you typically do, however with a vivacious style and unlimited amount of enthusiasm. Play pretend for at least five minutes, make believe you're a rainbow-- for only one moment you are all the colors. Rule this, the owner's manual that's inside you-- tear it up!
Admire the comfort of a Kleenex, the kids have the sniffles. Move forward in a direction that gives no point to return, help people feel better. Make a list, cross things off, stay sharp. The Easter Bunny is coming this weekend, word on the street says he's been spotted handing out candy off Eastern Avenue near the radio stations. I will be keeping my eyes open, and possibly even handing out some candy myself this weekend. Every holiday it's a must to represent Cayman Taffy Company, as everything made there is delectable.
This weekend:
* Cook BBQ and honey mustard chicken
* Eat sweet potatoes
* Run the 10k loop, log time
* Skype with the Mom
* Ride horses
* Find an Easter Egg
* Jump rope
* Kayak
* Meet up with Darquise to chat about ideas/planning
* Organize notes
* Dive and Snorkel- while using my underwater camera for the first time EVER!!!
* Dance on the beach
* Swim and practice back flips some more
* Eat pineapple
Bare in mind these things may not happen in that order, but hopefully they will all happen! I have four days to organize and regroup for the successful month of April. So far the month is a success, my grandpa really had a good scare for April Fool's Day.

I had to do it, it's tradition in my family that I prank him every year. I called him up pretending to be a police officer from the RCIP (Royal Cayman Islands Police). I said in the best manly police officer voice I could muster, "Your granddaughter Brittany Rae Thiel has been listed as a fugitive for the past few weeks with suspicion of illegal actions. Sir, do you have any idea of Brittany's where abouts?"
LOL!!! Boy was he stumped. Grandpa did do a good job trying to cover me though, saying "Oh she's fine, Brittany she's a good girl! I know exactly where she is in the Cayman Islands, she's been living there for the past two years!!" I could tell he was nervous so I had to bust out laughing, ohhhh did I get him good, AGAIN!!! This was my fugitive accomplice! ; ) Floris the Fugitive Flamingo!!!
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